where are you?…

where are you?
you are at the right place.
where you’re meant to be.
exactly there & no place else.
be in the moment.
no matter where you find yourself.
be in that space.
with a smile on your lips.
be happy.
be blessed.
because you are.
count the blessings that are showered upon you at every moment.
count the wonderful moments that have gone & that are to come.
but live in the present one.
because that’s the only one that counts.
that’s the only one that’s yours.
you are where you’re meant to be.
right now.

3 thoughts on “where are you?…

  1. Right you are Anil!!!! I hope people get to understanding timing soon. We are all exactly where we are meant to be and you can’t change that. Gotta just go with the flow….Thanks friend…VK:)

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